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Principal's Welcome

Dear Roundtown Families & Friends,

     Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!  At the conclusion of last school year, I had the opportunity to travel abroad to Liberia, Africa and it was truly a life-changing experience for me.  After 26 years in education, I wanted to do something different and give back to a community that was more in need than ours.  While in Africa, I visited many schools within the Liberian Public School System.  Over and over, I thought about the great need for basic necessities-things that we take for granted every day.  My message to the children of Africa was similar each time I visited a classroom or school; you have value and are loved by strangers half a world away.  I translated my experiences into a blog which I thank many of you for following along.  As these years have gone by and I have "aged," I have become more strategic with my time and try to come back as often as I can to my "Why."  My "Why" as principal is and continues to be that, "I want to inspire my students and community."  My "How" is that, "I try to model the behavior and attitude and build relationships" so I can reach that "Why" of inspiring others.  During the course of the school year, I have been invited to share my adventure with all of our schools and I am grateful for this opportunity to hopefully inspire not only our Roundtown Community but our entire Central Community. 

     Our district continues to move forward with the full implementation of our WONDERS Reading Program.  We saw positive results from our pilot teachers last school year so we have high expectations for this school year.  Our HMH Into Math Program will be in year three of implementation as well.  Our math scores across the district continue to climb as well.  While these programs are not "magic" in any way, they do provide a consistent framework for our teaching which can then be appropriately evaluated.  If you have questions about how to help your child in reading or math, I encourage you to ask your child's teacher how you can assist.  Success for every child DEPENDS upon a positive working home-school relationship.

     If you are new to the Roundtown Family, then it is my pleasure to welcome you and you may expect a weekly Friday update from me highlighting events from the previous week and sharing important events for the upcoming week through our district's weekly communication.  For those families returning, I greatly look forward to communicating with you again on a weekly basis to share the details of our wonderful school!  As something new this year, I am planning to provide a bi-monthly video address so I can share news and events in a more intimate setting.

     I look forward to working with you during another great school year.  Please know I am here to assist in any way and my contact information can be found below.  I hope you will join us for our first opportunity to celebrate the school and your child's new classroom on Thursday, September 5th for our annual Back to School Night.  More details will be coming for this special evening.  Regards for a memorable and meaningful school year!


Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
717-846-6789 x 2002